Since our last release, the number of users of the solution has increased significantly. In addition to the Intelligent Hybrid Mail product we are working on the quality of support we need to provide to customers for the PostGreen cloud. Today's annoucement is the launching of a help center accessible from Help youThe objective is to help you and guide you through the support resources of the solution. As our support service is not available on weekends, the FAQ is a way for you to move forward independently. With the experience we have accumulated over the last few years in customer support, we now have a good knowledge of the questions raised by our customers: What do I do if I have lost my password, where is my tracking number? ... A central pointIn addition to the FAQ you will also access the download of the user guide, the site that allows you to view the status of the PostGreen cloud service, and the Jira customer support portal.
The content will continue to evolve over user feedback. Comments are closed.
September 2024