The database service is a NIRVA external service that provides access to any kind of data source providing a driver for ODBC.
The database service allows access to any ODBC system data source configured on the server.
With this service, a user can search, add, modify and remove records from ODBC data sources. He can also send any kind of SQL statement or call stored procedures.
Current version : 3.07
The database service allows access to any ODBC system data source configured on the server.
With this service, a user can search, add, modify and remove records from ODBC data sources. He can also send any kind of SQL statement or call stored procedures.
Current version : 3.07
Version 3.07
Version 3.06
Version 3.05
Version 3.04
Version 3.03
Version 3.02
Version 3.01
Version 3.00
- Compatibility with Nirva server 4.8.000: The management of variables has changed with the server 4.8.000. It is possible now to define the character used to recognize a variable in a Nirva command. This can be changed at application level (in application.dsc file) and at command level (parameter NV_VAR_IDENT). If you don't change the default character (#) you don't need to update the service. If you change it it is recommended to update the service.
Version 3.06
- The SET_QUERY_TIME_OUT command was documented but not implemented. We also added the QUERY_TIME_OUT parameter to the SOURCE:OPEN command.
- Linux compatibility: we compiled with older versions of glibc (2.11.3) in order to be compatible with more linux versions.
Version 3.05
- The number of records of select command was bad with Oracle native ODBC driver v11 and more. The Oracle driver changed the number of records found to a double type instead of an integer type. This is a strange behaviour since a number of records should be an integer. In any case we changed the way to get the number of records in order to work with the oracle driver. Officially, the native oracle driver is not supported by the DATABASE service but some customers are using it without trouble. We recommand using the DataDirect oracle driver.
- We changed the way to get the number of records of a select command. Now the DATABASE service learns the best way according to the connected driver and uses it for the next select orders. This may increase performance.
Version 3.04
- Preserve trailing spaces in columns. By default, trailing spaces are skipped in columns when retreiving records. There is now an option in the SOURCE:OPEN command to preserve trailing spaces.
Version 3.03
- There was a bug in the management of some ODBC pointers in v 3.01 and 3.02. This bug may potentially crash Nirva.
Version 3.02
- Linux 64 bits version (x64).
- Linux 32 bits version has been recompiled using libstd6 instead of libstd5.
Version 3.01
- Windows 64 bits version (x64).
Version 3.00
- Removing license control.